Thursday, January 22, 2009

Very Special Entry

Those of you that have been following along will notice that I've just posted several entries at once, in an attempt to fill in the gaps in my adventures over the past few weeks. One thing that's difficult about maintaining a blog about one's daily adventures is that the adventures themselves sometimes interfere with allocating time for the blog. Anyway, we're mostly caught up, except that I've been adventuring in Japan for a week now (which is mostly the point of the blog), but we'll get to that soon enough. Before I proceed however, there is something else I want to share - the embarkation into my greatest adventure of all.

First, let me acknowledge that although my life has been full of adventures, I've heretofore not been a particularly adventurous fellow. That is to say that I've spent most of my time busily planning and organizing. But, if you know anything about ducks, you know that it's pretty much impossible to get very many of them in a row for very long. The point is, I've come to believe that nothing ever gets done if you always wait for the conditions to be "just right". If you really want to do something, just do it. Some of you may be skeptical, but let me tell you - it really is as simple as that.

Anyway, this story is the fruit of that realization. For years I've been wanting to move forward, but always waiting patiently for the conditions to be "just right". Even in the past few weeks I had a vision of "slightly compromised" conditions that I decided would be "good enough". As life would have it, even these "compromised" conditions failed to materialize. Enough.

We were cutting it so close to missing my flight from Orlando to Detroit (from which I flew to Japan). Susan suggested that she should just drop me off at the curb, but I insisted that she park. We checked my bag. From there I walked directly to the most serendipitously placed jewelery store, bought the only ring that fit her, and proposed. She accepted. We bid farewell, and I raced through security.

To you readers, I'm sorry to say that I don't expect to have any adventures that top that. Luckily, it's just the beginning...


  1. Congratulations! You poor, lucky bastard.

  2. Oh my God I have goosebumps everywhere!

    That girls deserves it...she lived in a tent and went through numerous tortures with you. That is a good woman!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yay! congrats you two! that is exciting news.
    i hope i will find a girl as great as susan.
    i will share the good news with the family.
    & thank you for the words of wisdom. reminded me a little of the hobbit but still its a good lesson.

  5. that is the best proposal i have ever heard! you are a lucky man arian :) Congrats again- miss you guys!

  6. Congratulations!!! My heart is smiling for both of you right now :)

  7. Congratulations, Aryan and Susan!
    What an awesome story.

  8. Awesome news, bro. If you need some totally inapproprate wedding music, I volunteer my band.
